"Preferential looking" experiment at the MPI for Brain Research conducted in 1986 for early detection of defective vision. In the process the reaction of babies to different stimuli is observed.
Source: MPG-Spiegel 5/86
Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences and Neurosciences
The bio- and life sciences are among the central fields of research at the MPG established across various institutes, on the example of which the research program investigates the differentiation of research areas and processes of scientific innovations. The behavioral and cognitive sciences and neurosciences (BCN) are of particular importance among these fields of research. Various parts of the BCN are categorized as life sciences, medicine or humanities. What they have in common is, first, that they describe core issues of the way humans perceive themselves. Their thematic overlap and shared social references constitute an interface between the life sciences, medicine, and the humanities. For this reason they are of particular scientific interest for the aspect of the research program addressing the politics of history, especially with a view to the complex of problems surrounding the staff, institutional and epistemic continuities of scientists who were involved directly in the human experiments and murder of patients at Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes during the National Socialist era, or who used human organ specimens from Nazi victims in their research – the last of these even at Max Planck Institutes after 1945.